JDU Spokesman writes to Nitish Kumar ‘take a stand against CAA-NPR-NRC scheme’

New Delhi: JDU Spokesman Pavan Verma has asked Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar to take a stand against Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), National Population Register (NPR) and National Register of Citizen(NRC).
In a letter to Bihar CM Nitish Kumar, JDU Spokesman has urged that CAA-NRC combine is a direct attempt to divide Hindus and Muslims, and create social instability. I request you to take a stand against CAA-NPR-NRC scheme and reject its nefarious agenda to divide India.
Pavan Verma said that “The nation is at a crucial crossroads. The choice before political leaders is stark either to work to save the idea of India as a plural, composite, multi-religious nation in which there is respect for all faiths, and social harmony and peace prevails, or, to see it being divided by organized attempts at creating discord and acrimony among Indians on the basis of religion.’
In his letter, Pavan Verma said, ‘The CAA-NRC combine is a direct attempt to divide Hindus and Muslims, and to create social instability. Besides, it will impose great hardships of Indians as a whole, including especially the poor, the marginalized and the vulnerable belonging to all communities.’
The Central government needs to focus on the real priorities of governance, such as the disastrous state of the economy, the absence of jobs, and agrarian distress, rather than such schemes whose only aim is to destroy the unity and social cohesion of our great country, He added.
JDU Spokesman said, ‘You have always stood for a secular India, where there is peace, respect and goodwill among all its communities. It is for this reason that I had appealed to you to reconsider the parties support to the divisive and discriminatory CAN.’
Raised Question of Sushil Modi’s Statement:
Pavan Verma also raised question on Dy.Chief Minister Sushil Modi’s announcement about NPR in Bihar. He said, ‘I Was deeply disappointed when my request went unheeded. Subsequently, I was happy when you categorically stated that there will be no NRC in Bihar However, I am greatly surprised that Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Modi has unilaterally announced that the NPR will be carried out in Bihar between May 15 and May 28 2020. As you are aware, the government has categorically stated that the NPR is the first step to Implementing the NRC. Since, you have said that Bihar will not have the NRC, It follows that you must say no to the revised NPR as well.’
He also said that Students on a pan-India scale are agitating for a united India as Indians, not as Hindus or Muslims. I know you must be deeply concerned at the disproportionate and brutal force used by law enforcing authorities against the students, notably in UP, and right wing violence in Bihar against people like young Sohail Ahmed in Phulwari Sharif.
Keeping the above in view, and in consonance with your own publicly stated views, and long established secular vision, may I request you now to take a principled stand against the CAA-NPR-NRC scheme, and reject its nefarious agenda to divide India and create a deal of unnecessary social turbulence, He added.
Pavan Verma urged that ‘A dear cut public statement by you to this effect would be a major step towards preserving and strengthening the idea of India to which, I know you yourself are committed. The politics of principle cannot be sacrificed at the altar of short term political gain. India is greater than individuals position or power pr electoral success failure or such transient considerations.’